The first time I went to US was for a training. It was a week long training with participants from all parts of the globe (Europe, Asia and Americas).
One day I saw my friend rushing to me at an angry mood. Surprised I asked, “Hey buddy, what happened?” He said, “You know John (name changed) from my team, he asked me where I am from. When I said India, he was asking if it was close to Indonesia. What crap, don’t he have this simple geographical knowledge.” I was definitely amused…
To be honest, this is not the first time I am hearing this. This is nothing to complain about, it happens in all the places, at different scales though.
In India, I have seen that happening to my NE friends, the peoples from the seven sisters. First off all they are confused to be not part of India. I remember on of my friend from Tripura being asked, “Is Tripura part of Guwahati?” Funny huh…
I do not complain again, because, if someone tells me he is from Lesotho, I would ask him where does it belong?
For your information:
Lesotho, officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a landlocked country and enclave — entirely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. Formerly Basutoland, it is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The name Lesotho roughly translates into "the land of the people who speak Sesotho."
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